Fall Appalachian MotoJam
Holiday Mountain 99 Holiday Mountain Rd, Monticello, NY, United StatesChapter members and guests are invited to check out the MotJam HellClimb at Holiday Mountain in Monticello, NY
Chapter members and guests are invited to check out the MotJam HellClimb at Holiday Mountain in Monticello, NY
Chapter Members are invited to discuss upcoming events, hear guest speakers, and catch up with friends. Saturday at 10AM at the Dealership.
Mohawk House will be our end of season dinner destination this year. This event is sold out. http://www.mohawkhouse.com/
Members and guests are welcome to join our monthly General Chapter Meeting at the Dealership.
3rd Annual Chapter Breakfast catered by Jack’s Cafe, Verona NJ. 2020 Chapter Picture.
Members and guests are welcome to join our monthly General Chapter Meeting at the Dealership.
Toni Caserta, organizer of the Forever Friends Ride will be the guest speaker at our February 15th Meeting.
Registered Chapter members learning skills to properly handle an accident scene, including first aid and traffic control.