Chapter Ride to The Lackawaxen Inn
The Lackawaxen Inn 188 Scenic Drive, Lackawaxen, PARoad Captain Keith Ward will lead a ride to The Lackawaxen Inn on Sunday September 16th. Kickstands up at 10AM.
Road Captain Keith Ward will lead a ride to The Lackawaxen Inn on Sunday September 16th. Kickstands up at 10AM.
A session for our Chapter Officers, Road Captains, existing volunteers and anyone newly interested in supporting our events to discuss the roles needed (parking, registration, pit crew) review the great things that have gone well, along with some lessons learned. …
The Chapter membership is invited to attend our monthly meetings to discuss rides and other planned activities.
Chapter ride to the Shannon Rose Irish Pub. Head Road Captain David Austin will lead riders following our General Chapter meeting on Saturday September 22. Kickstands up at Noon!
The Chapter will gather at Garden State H-D before departing at 10AM for Skylands Stadium, which is where the Forever Friends ride registration and ride launch is taking place. Registration ends at Noon, and the ride is from 12:30 to…
3rd annual Eric C. Blohm Foundation Ride. Link to pre-register below.
Road Captain Russ Hall will lead a ride to the Black Dirt region of New York on Saturday October 6th. Riders will depart the Dealership at 10:30. Lunch spot will be Smokey Joe's Tavern in Vernon, NJ. Enjoy!
Morris County Park Police PBA 264 is bringing back the famous "Pigs In The Park Motorcyle Rally". Pre-registration will begin April 1st, 2018 at 7:00am on this website and will include a t-shirt for Pre-registration only. For those who would…