Archives (page 47)

First Responders Barbecue

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

The dealership has asked for some help from our membership. There is no ride associated with this event. Non First Responders can pay a nominal fee to have lunch.

Elks Miracle Run

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

We will leave at the dealership at 9:am to ride to Lake Hopatcong  Elks located at 201 Howard Boulevard, Mt Arlington,  NJ.  There will be a poker run and $20 donation to participate. The final destination will be Pompton Plains…

Ride Planning Meeting

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

The meeting is open to all members.

The Red Schoolhouse

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

The Red Schoolhouse 1732 Bethany Turnpike pleasant mount PA 9:am led by Keith Struble

Jefferson House

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

Head Road Captain Russ Hall will be leading a ride to the Jefferson House located at 139 Nolans Point Rd, Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849. Map

Ladies of Harley Meeting

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

Chapter E-Board Meeting

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

White Castle/Cliff’s Ice Cream

Garden State Harley-Davidson 1775 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ, United States

John Cording will be leading a ride to Ledgewood NJ. The ride will go to White Castle located at 1113 US-46, Ledgewood, NJ 07852 and then Cliff's Ice Cream located at 1475 US-46, Ledgewood, NJ 07852.